Aug 14 2007

Java 1.6 / 6.0 Update Issue

Categories: General,Web Intelligence Dave Rathbun @ 9:26 am

The Evils of Automatic Software Updates

A few months ago about half of the reporting team at my current client called me at various times over a week saying they were having problems running reports. Eventually I figured it out… they all had one thing in common: automatic Java updates. Turns out that was a Very Bad Thingβ„’ to do. πŸ™‚

Continue reading “Java 1.6 / 6.0 Update Issue”

Aug 09 2007

Recent Comments Feature

Categories: General Dave Rathbun @ 10:52 pm

I have added a new option on the right sidebar menu today: Recent Comments. I have been quite pleased with the initial participation, and I do hope that my random musings will provide some education or perhaps even some entertainment along the way… and I hope that some of you (not spammers, no, stay away! πŸ˜€ ) might be inspired to leave a comment or two.

From time to time.

In any case, now if you just want to see the recent comments the last five are listed for you in reverse chronological order. Only approved comments will be on the list.

Jun 30 2007

Yet another blog…

Categories: General Dave Rathbun @ 1:50 am

I already have a couple of blogs. Why start another one? Well, it is just so darned easy. πŸ˜€ And I believe that by having separate blogs for separate reasons it becomes easier to build an audience. So if you are here you have probably followed a link from the collective known as BOB and you’re looking for stuff related to Business Objects. If so, you’ve found the right place.

I plan to post technical tips and podcasts that are related primarily to working with universe design and building reports, as that’s where my primary interest is.

So whoever you are, and wherever you have arrived from, welcome. 😎

— Dave Rathbun

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