Jun 01 2009
Dave Twitter: Now With Multiple Channels
Some of you may already know this, but I have more than one blog. Five, to be exact. The reason I did that was because I have a wide variety of interests and one blog just wasn’t going to work. People that are interested in photography won’t want to read about phpBB, and people that are interested in phpBB aren’t going to be ready to wade through all of the Business Objects posts, and so on. Thus the extra blogs.
I have decided I need to do the same thing with twitter. I started with only one twitter account, but I am now going to split off the BI tweets into a new channel. The new channel can be found under http://twitter.com/dagira_tweets.
As a footnote to this post, here is the standard icon used for twitter members that don’t upload a picture:
And here is a picture of the hotel carpet at a reception I went to a few weeks ago at SAPPHIRE:
I think I was the only one who noticed.
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